J went to ballet, hip hop, tap, and rehearsed for the Nutcracker.
All the kids attended their MAHC classes (here's D with some food from one of hers):
W attended his MCCC classes.
D attended Staging Journeys, where she led a guided meditation for the group, and circus class:
We carved pumpkins, created complex costumes, and trick or treated and won prizes in the MAHC Halloween Costume contest:
All the kids attended their religious education classes.
W worked with LOF and read independently.
R worked with multiplication facts and Explode the Code and read independently.
D read with support, worked with Explode the Code, Handwriting Without Tears, and LOF.
J practiced reading and worked with Handwriting Without Tears and LOF.
I read to the girls:

This week included 6 days of instruction.
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