He has a much beloved quilt, given to us originally by his great-grandmother (although not made by her - it's from a factory somewhere in Asia as far as I can tell) which is literally falling apart. R has requested that we replace it as exactly as possible with a new one: same dimensions, same color scheme, same pattern. We spent some time measuring the original and plotting out how much fabric to buy, and then went to the fabric store to get the materials. It's going to be a fun project!
D and J went to the Speed Raceway for a birthday party, racing bumper style race cars on a track!
D made a really great card for her friend whose birthday it was, who loves playing basketball:
D and J attended their religious education classes.
W, D and J worked with LOF. R worked on multiplication facts.
R, D and J worked with Explode the Code. D worked with Handwriting Without Tears. R read independently. D read with support. J mastered

I read to the girls:

I read to R and D and J:

This week included 4 days of instruction.
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