J went to dance a couple of times. Here she is in Hip Hop:
All the kids attended their Fall 2 session classes at MAHC including:
J: 4s & 5s, Science Experiments You Can Eat
D: Map Making, SEYCE, Yoga
R: Games, Teen/Tween Storytime, Chess & Checkers
W: Games, US Government, Literary Magazine
D went to circus.
R played soccer several times.
W had a doctor's appointment, learning more about asthma.
All the kids attended their religious education classes. R's youth group served 'weird' foods and learned a bit about them; W's youth group attended a Planned Parenthood speakers event.
All the kids worked with LOF.
W read independently. He also received feedback about a paper he wrote for his US Government class, and listened to Science Friday podcasts. He cooked dinner for the family and made Latkes from scratch and baked several (some more successful than others) batches of cookies. W rode his stationary bike.
R read with support. He watched some documentaries.
D and J practiced reading. D worked with Handwriting Without Tears and J worked with Explode the Code.
I read to the girls:

This week included 6 days of instruction.
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