We attended our first day of MAHC for the year!
W is taking a class in Scratch programming, AP US Government, and Literary Magazine.
R is taking Making a Table Top Game, Teen/Tween Storytime (they are reading
Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes) and Backyard Ballistics (picture above.)

D is taking Irish Tales and Legends, Air Dry Clay, and Crazy about Crafts.
J is officially only taking her 4s and 5s class but really she is in Air Dry Clay too.
D went to her circus class. J took her first Hip Hop class and went to ballet. R went to soccer.
All the kids attended their religious education classes, and a portion of worship.
W rode his stationary bike.
W, R, D and J worked with LOF. J is excited to be starting on LOF!

D worked with Handwriting Without Tears. J worked with Explode the Code.
I read to the girls:

This week included 6 days of instruction.
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