All the kids went to their MAHC classes, and W went to his Teen program classes.
We were able to visit the kids' great-grandmother one more time before she died. While she was not really lucid (being ill as well as far into the last stages of Alzheimer's) when we left the kids waved good-bye and she waved good-bye too.
W played D and D several times.
The kids had a lot of good cousin time, including a trip to the Franklin Institute:
The kids attended both memorial services for their great-grandparents. W read the chalice lighting words at the first service, and the rest of the kids helped light the chalice:
R, D and J attended their religious education classes.
R read independently. D practiced reading. W, R and D worked with LOF. J worked with Explode the Code.
I read to them:

This week included 6 days of instruction.
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