W attended his Teen MAHC class.
D attended her Circus class.
All the kids attended their religious education classes.
W played Dungeons and Dragons three times.
W listened to a lot of podcasts. He is enjoying absorbing everything he can around storytelling in Dungeons and Dragons. He lights up when he hosts his friends for a game.
R did a lot of 'tinkering'. We bought a bike at the thrift store which he tuned up and stripped down. He bought a monitor and looked up correct cables etc. to get his grandmother's old computer working again to have for himself (still a work in progress.)
D spends most of her time crafting or playing socially with her sister and the neighborhood friends. She is rarely bored (but when she is bored, she is VERY bored.) After days and days of fights over our rope swings, she and J finally found a way to swing together (not to imply that the fighting is all over. Apparently that's got enough entertainment value to continue on the daily.)

J is also very busy most of the time, a snuggle bug ... and learned to ride her bike no training wheels herself today!

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