We all made birthday cards for family members. We have 9 family members with birthdays in July. Including D, although we didn't make her a card. W, R, and D all got into writing "Happy Birthday _____" using bubble letters and then coloring them in.
W played Dungeons & Dragons with cousins via Google Hangouts and with the mixed aged group at Redcap's Corner this week.
We went to Maryland to use our free tickets from the Six Flags reading program! We weren't able to do this last year due to chicken pox, so the kids were very excited. Matt took the big kids to the park and I took J to Matt's cousin's house and my cousin-in-law took us to an Imagination Playground with spray and music features. It was HOT, so we recuperated in the evening indoors in air conditioning.
We went to the library to pick up a book W had on hold. I got a parking ticket because despite my intention to just go in, get that one book, and locate three books on the shelf which I returned but which didn't get checked in, and despite R's resistance to going to the library at all, we all got involved in various things and took twice as long as planned. D & R played with the MagnaTiles, J insisted that one book was not enough and got two, and R, when presented with 5 easy readers I thought he might be willing to get one of, choose all of them.
D & R went to Circus School!
All the kids attended their Religious Education class on Poetry and sang during church.
W worked on writing a D&D adventure to use with one of his groups. R continues his third read-through of the fourth Bob Books set. He is also writing out sentences from the first Bob Books set. D is really excited about reading through the first Bob Books set and is up to book 3 with very little difficulty. We read:

W is working with Life of Fred: Fractions, R is close to finishing Life of Fred: Goldfish, and D is beginning Life of Fred: Apples.
The kids watched several science documentaries.
Wolfy made peppermint bark from 'scratch'. We went swimming and for a couple of walks.
One morning the kids got out some instruments and jammed for a while. This looks all idealistic and lovely but it didn't last very long due to conflict over who was allowed to control volume levels, etc.
This week included 6 days of "instruction".
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