
Friday, June 30, 2023

End of the year (through June 30)

J attended Friendsday and her Nature Journaling class.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended their religious education classes, including a take-apart day experimenting with electronics:

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

We were able to harvest our first sour cherries from our own cherry trees, and a lot from Grandpa A's trees.

We completed our end of year homeschool evaluation:

D and J attended a local Pride event:

D gave a presentation at and end-of-year celebration at SHL.

Robin practiced driving:

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Showcase (180 + 13 weeks)

J attended Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then?, religious education, and and Nature Journaling classes.

D attended her SHL classes.

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

R began working on building his independent writing skills.

J performed in the end of year showcase for her dance school! We also attended the performances of the older kids in the school.