
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Swimming (180 + 12 weeks)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then?, and Nature Journaling class.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended their religious education classes.

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

R worked hard on painting our house - lots of safety considerations!

D & J went swimming!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Empty Egg (180 + 11 weeks)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then?, Nature Journaling class, and MAHC. She has a piece of art in an exhibit:

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended their religious education classes. They also attended Fallen Fables, a production of the Philadelphia Circus School.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Goldie Vance (180 + 10 weeks)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then?, Nature Journaling class, and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended their religious education classes.

R completed his MC3 classes with an A- in both.

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing. She read independently: Goldie Vance Vol. 1 (1)Goldie Vance Vol. 1 by Hope Larson

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Multigen Choir (180 + 9 weeks)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then?, Nature Journaling class, and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended their religious education classes. J sang with the Multigenerational Choir:

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with ALEKS math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.