
Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Nutcracker! (108/180)

J performed in the Nutcracker!

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended School Free Players and a special worship service in which they made art and sang with the Multigen Choir.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Pierced Ears for D & J (102/180)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then? and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended School Free Players and their religious education classes and the Multigen Choir. They also got their ears pierced. While this might not sound educational, it was a really remarkable experience, especially for J. She has a lot of anxiety around needles. It took her an hour and a half of working with the AMAZING piercer to work out a way to desensitize herself and allow herself to get the ear piercings she REALLY wanted.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Birthday card (96/180)

 J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then? and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes:

D & J attended School Free Players and their religious education classes and participated in Multigen Choir.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Multigen Choir (90/180)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then? and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended School Free Players and their religious education classes. They also participated in Multigenerational Choir:

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.