
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Matilda, the Musical (84/180)

J attended her dance classes, Friendsday, What Did People Do Back Then? and MAHC.

D attended her SHL classes, including attending Matilda: the Musical, participating in a zoom lobbying opportunity, and participating in an engineering/marketing focus group activity.

D & J attended School Free Players and their religious education classes.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Wharton State Park (78/180)

J attended her dance classes and Friendsday and What Did People Do Back Then? on Zoom.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended MAHC:

And went camping including hiking etc. at Wharton State Park in NJ.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Yoga at SHL (72/180)

J attended her dance classes and What Did People Do Back Then? on Zoom.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended MAHC and their religious education classes.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Rainbow Valley (66/180)

J attended her dance classes.

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended MAHC, SFP and their religious education classes.

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

I read to the girls: Rainbow Valley (Anne of Green Gables, #7)Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery

This week included 6 days of instruction.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sneks (60/180)

 J attended her dance classes, and a homeschool Friendsday. Not formal, but there are some learning things going on!

D attended her SHL classes.

D & J attended MAHC:

And a special Animal Blessing Sunday, which included a visit from a reptile rescue:

R participated in his MC3 classes.

D worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

J worked with Mammoth Math and practiced typing.

This week included 6 days of instruction.