J and D worked with ETC, HWT, and Zearn. They both read with support. We read holiday books, including a new one:

J and D worked with ETC, HWT, and Zearn. They both read with support. We read holiday books, including a new one:
D participated in her Zoom book club and her religious education class.
J participated in her dance classes.
R participated in his Time4 Learning classes and met with his COA mentor and participated in his religious education class.
W participated in his MC3 classes.
D & J played miniature golf:
And it snowed! Lots of outdoors hijinks ensued.
J and D both worked with ETC, HWT, and Zearn. Both read with support. We ready lots of holiday books we've read a zillion times before.
This week included 6 days of instruction.
D participated in her Zoom bookclub, MAHC classes, and Theater Games.
J participated in her religious education class, MAHC classes, dance, and Theater Games. Here's her art from her religious education class:
R participated in his Time4Learning classes, and his religious education class.
W participated in his MC3 classes.
We got and decorated our tree:
J participated in her Zoom Puppetry class; her MAHC classes; Ballet, tap and jazz classes; and Theater Games.
D participated in her Zoom bookclub, Snail Mail class, her MAHC classes, and Theater Games.
R participated in his Edgenuity classes.
W participated in his MC3 classes.
R and W attended their religious education class.
J participated in her Zoom Puppetry class; Ballet, tap and jazz classes; and Theater Games.
D participated in her Zoom bookclub, Snail Mail class, and Theater Games.
R participated in his Edgenuity classes.
W participated in his MC3 classes.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with feasting and Zoom calls with family. We also went for a hike together:
J participated in her Zoom Puppetry class, her MAHC classes, ballet, Theater Games, and Jazz and Tap.
D participated in her Zoom Snail Mail class, MAHC classes, Theater Games, and a virtual field trip to Temple Shalom.
R and W completed their class work.
D and J participated in our church's Zoom worship by reading a section of the service (here they are getting ready):
J attended her Zoom Puppetry class, MAHC classes, ballet, Theater Games, and Jazz and Tap classes.
D attended her Zoom Snail Mail class, MAHC classes, Theater Games, and religious education class.
R began his classes via Time4Learning, and attended his religious education class.
W participated in his MCCC classes and attended his religious education class.
D did some amazing art:
J attended her Zoom puppetry class, her MAHC classes, ballet, an outdoor MAHC social, Theater Games, Jazz, Tap, and her religious education class.
D attended her Zoom Snail Mail class, her MAHC classes, a virtual field trip to another UU church, an outdoor MAHC social, and Theater Games.
R completed some of his LMVA work. We made the decision as a family to withdraw him from the public school program for the remainder of the year. He was doing excellent work (his grades were all As) in the LMVA but the workload was punishing and contained a huge amount of busywork. We decided to enroll him in four of the same classes he was taking through LMVA through Time4Learning.com so he can continue building his academic skills in a lower stress way and leaving more time for other parts of life. Whew!
W completed his MCCC work.
D and J worked with Explode the Code, Handwriting Without Tears, and Zearn Math. They read independently and with support.
I read to the girls:
D attended her Zoom bookclub, Snail Mail class, MAHC classes, and Theater Games.
J attended her Zoom puppetry, MAHC classes, ballet, Theater Games, and Jazz and Tap classes.
R completed his LMVA work and went to soccer practice and games. He attended his religious education class.
W completed his MCCC work.
All the kids carved pumpkins:
D attended her Zoom bookclub, Snail Mail class, MAHC classes, and Theater Games.
J attended her Zoom puppetry, MAHC, ballet, Theater Games, jazz and hip hop, and her religious education class. Here is her self-portrait from the religious education class:
W completed his MCCC classwork.
J helped make her Halloween costume:
D participated in her Zoom bookclub, Snail Mail class, MAHC classes, theater class, and religious education class.
J participated in her Zoom puppetry class, MAHC classes, ballet, theater class, and jazz and tap classes.
R completed his LMVA classes and went to soccer practice and played a soccer game.
W completed his work for his MCCC classes.
D and J helped prepare 200 postcards for mailing to low-propensity voters in Pennsylvania:
D and J worked with Zearn math, Explode the Code, and Handwriting Without Tears. D completed Handwriting Without Tears - Grade 3 Cursive Handwriting by Jan Z. Olsen.
They both read with support. D completed
D attended her Zoom book club, snail mail class, MAHC classes, and theater games workshop. Here is an amazing letter she made for her snail mail class:
J attended her Zoom puppetry class, MAHC classes, ballet, hip hop, tap, and jazz classes, and theater games workshop.
R went to soccer practice and played in his soccer game, in addition to his school classes.
W attended his MC3 classes.
D and J worked with ETC, HWT, and both read with support. D completed
D participated in Zoom book club, her Snail Mail class, her MAHC classes, and Theater Games.
J participated in Puppetry, her MAHC classes, Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, and Tap classes.
R participated in his LMVA classes and soccer practice and a game.
W participated in his MCCC classes.
Sadly, our snake grew more ill. Here we are giving him one last slither through the grass: