We went on a tour of Johnson House, a station on the Underground Railroad in Germantown. We lived around the corner from this house for 5 years but never managed to get there.
R went to Parkour. W completed his training and is now Adult and Pediatric CPR Certified.
D and J made pysanky eggs with friends. R and W hung out with friends and took a long walk.
D and J went to the library with me. They both enjoyed building with magnatiles. In very characteristic fashion, D built organically and creatively. Unfortunately her masterpiece fell apart just before she felt it was done and therefore before we got a picture. J on the other hand started with a plan and created what she aimed for (a church):
J went to ballet.
R made dinner for the family.
D went to Circus.
All the kids attended a service focused on evolution, Easter, and Earth Day, including live music and singing.
We celebrated spring at home by planting a lot of shrubbery, eating a great meal (pulled pork prepared by W!) and going for a walk with family.
W read independently. R read some with support and some independently. D practiced reading and mastered
Bud's Nap by
Bobby Lynn Maslen. J practiced reading and mastered
The Sad Cat by
Bobby Lynn Maslen.
R practiced spelling. D worked with Handwriting Without Tears and J worked with Explode the Code.
W and R worked with LOF. D and J and R played Yahtzee and cards.
W and R exercised.
I read to the girls and we journaled:
If Polar Bears Disappeared by
Lily Williams