(yeah, this is about how the hike went, attitude wise.)
W attended his online class.
All the kids attended their MAHC classes. (Here is J in hers with a guest teacher):
W attended his Teen program classes, and played D and D several times.
D attended her circus class.
J tried out a ballet class.
R was excited to list and sell some electronics left to him by his late great-grandfather which were not especially useful to him but which will help cover the cost of the PC he is building. He's learned a lot about the bidding process on EBay, etc.
W turned 14! D and J helped make the cake:
All the kids attended their religious education classes.
W, R, and D worked with LOF.
W read independently. R practiced reading.
D practiced reading, completing

J practiced reading, completing

I read to the girls:

This week included 6 days of instruction.