All the kids went to their MAHC classes. R's class made shakers using plastic cups, sticks, and string:
And then he got sick again/sicker ... so we didn't get a lot done the rest of the week, again.
We did go to the library.
W played D and D three times. Including during his THIRTEENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY!
The evening began with a D and D game DM'd by his friend L, followed by a sleepover with lots of video games. W set his alarm for 6 am so he could get up and make a disgustingly greasy meat and mac and cheese casserole for breakfast and play more video games. I was not pleased by this alarm, since nobody went to sleep until 2 am, but I guess it shows he is developing the ability to set goals and achieve them ...
All the kids attended their religious education classes.
There was a lot of podcast listening.
R read a book independently:

And I read to all of them: