Robin started his Parkour class at the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts. No picture, because I was at a birth and did not attend.
All the kids attended their first day of classes at MAHC. W is taking 1000 Blank White Cards, 90 Second Newbery, and Scratch Programming. R is taking Juggling, Robotics, and Hula Hooping. D is taking Me on the Map, Art, and Constellation Celebration. J is in the Nursery class.
W, R, and D had soccer practice and soccer games (lose, tie due to ref error, and lose.)
W played D&D twice and R played once.
W began in the Teen Program at MAHC with a science class.
All of the kids participated in worship, singing, hearing music and sacred words.
We were lucky enough to go for a visit with the kids' great-grandparents and their great-uncle. They like experimenting with physics in the elevator:
D and J played a very elaborate game in which they made various potions for various purposes and set up shop:
W read independently:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by
Douglas Adams
R read independently to his siblings:
I Say, You Say Animal Sounds! by
Tad Carpenter
I read to them:
Katy's Gift: An Amish Story by
Keith Bowen
The Lost-and-Found Tooth by
Louise Borden
W, R, and D continued with their LOF books.
They watched documentaries and listened to podcasts.
They exercised.
This week included 7 days of instruction. (Look at us, zooming past 1/3 of the required days by mid-September!)