We've had Minecraft for a while but Robin and his brother hadn't figured out how to really enjoy it until this week. Now we've figured out how to switch back and forth between Creative and Survival modes, meaning they can both relax and have fun, but also gather the resources they need to succeed pretty easily in the Survival mode, making it a lot more fun.
Robin explored weighing with non-standard units and several other topics in Saxon Math 2.
We continued working on the letter P. I read to Robin. Including these books:
Having a Friend by
Betty Miles
Ten Things I Love About You by
Daniel Kirk
Robin practiced writing by choosing a word to write in his journal. He also drew in his journal.
We read some posts by Paul Salopek.
Robin continues to be kind of obsessed with the skate park. Besides visiting them multiple times this week, he is at this very moment scootering over a makeshift ~1 ft jump he rigged up in our living room, over and over again. He also biked, and swam.
He attended his RE class, which focused on wood, and observed a skilled woodworker turn tops with a lathe.