
Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Preparations

Robin is getting into the holiday spirit!  He helped make up gift kits for his cousins this week, and bake cookies.

We did some Saxon Math K.  Robin made a chart showing winter activities and how many of them were indoor activities and how many were outdoor activities.

We read lots of books.

Including one about animals and about the seasons.

Wolfy went for several long walks and bikes.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Scrap Metal

Robin is really interested in making money.  He was fascinated when his dad and grandfather took many years' accumulation of scrap metal to a buyer this summer and this week he convinced his dad and brother and sister to work on collecting scrap metal from the woods near our home to take to a metal recycler to make some money.  They made two expeditions and should soon have enough for a car-load.  I think he has visions of hundreds of dollars, but in reality he could realistically expect to make tens.  Still worthwhile - and it's good to take the junk out of those woods (which people - illegally - use as a makeshift dump) and put it to use, too.

We did some math and reading and Robin watched some science documentaries.  His brother's been sick, so it was a low-key week.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Crackers

Robin had the opportunity to make Swedish Christmas crackers with his homeschooling group this week.  One of the moms in the group is Swedish and organized the craft.  

Robin's Saxon Math K introduced the idea of price tags and paying for things with up to 10 pennies this week. This is fun for Robin since he has a strong interest in business and the entrepreneurial spirit.  He is a little annoyed by the 10 penny limit as he says that the items we are pricing are worth more than that (he's right, since they are cans and boxes of food from our pantry, none of which could be purchased for under 10 cents!)

I read to Robin and we worked on his alphabet.  He found a game on an old toy "Batman Computer" we have which involved matching upper and lower case letters and was doing quite well at it.

We read books about 'whites only' amenities in the South, ancient Egypt, pirates, and the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast.

And one about puffins.